Skytte inimesed meedias, konverentsidel
- Stefano Braghiroli - "Eestil saab 20 aastat Euroopa Liiduga ühinemisest", UT Ajakiri. 2023.
- Stefano Braghiroli - "Maailm on heitlikum kui 20 aasta eest", ERR Uudised. 26.12.2023
- Stefano Braghiroli - "The world is more unsettled than 20 years ago", ERR News. 28.12.2023
- Stefano Braghiroli - "Estonian expert: the new Polish government can be a strong ally of Tallinn in Brussels", Polskie Radio. 21.12.2023
- Stefano Braghiroli - "Expert: Incoming Polish PM Tusk can be strong ally for Estonia in Brussels", ERR English. 21.12.2023
- Stefano Braghiroli - Interview with Rai Radio 1 / Caffè Europa about Tartu2024 European Capital of Culture.
- Andrey Makarychev, ОТ ПОЛИТОЛОГА ⟩ Игнорирование российской агрессии против Украины означает легитимацию насилия / Ignoring Russian aggression against Ukraine means legitimizing violence, rus.postimees. 19.12.2023
- Andrey Makarychev, Comment in: "Navigating Tensions: Geopolitical Implications of Russia's Permanent Naval Base in Ochamchire," Georgian Institute of Politics, December 2023
- Andrey Makarychev, "La nouvelle diaspora russe en Estonie : nomades, critiques de Poutine ou opposition politique?", Revue Française de Socio-Économie, 2023
- Sanshiro Hosaka, 「諜報国家ロシアを操るジェルジンスキーの亡霊」 "The ghost of Dzerzhinsky who controls the intelligence nation of Russia", The Sankei Shinbun, 29.11.2023
- Sanshiro Hosaka,「保坂三四郎『諜報国家ロシア』」/ "Intelligence State Russia", Voice, 06.12.23
- Aleksandra Sojka, Liisa Talving, Sofia Vasilopoulou. Free to move, reluctant to share: Unequal opposition to transnational rights under the EU's free movement principle. European Union Politics. 07.12.2023
- Elena Pavlova, intervjuu: "Politoloog: kohalikud venelased vastandavad end eestlaste asemel venemaalastele" / "Политолог: местные русские противопоставляют себя россиянам, а не эстонцам", ERR Novaator / ERR Nauka, 10.12.2023 / 28.11.2023
- Алар Кильп, «15. глава. „Свобода вероисповедания“. Эгерт Рюнне (ред.) Права человека в Эстонии 2024: развитие в 2022-2023 гг. Таллинн: Фонд Эстонского центра по правам человека.
- Alar Kilp, 15. peatükk. Usuvabadus. Egert Rünne (Toim.) Inimõigused Eestis 2024: Areng aastatel 2022-2023. Tallinn: Sihtasutus Eesti Inimõiguste Keskus.
- Logan Emily Carmichael, Albania Was Hit by Cyberattacks. What it Can Learn From Estonia, 2023
- Sofia Vasilopoulou, Daniel Keith and Liisa Talving, "Trade", The State of Public Opinion: 2023, UK in a Changing World, 2023.
- Siim Espenberg, võttis sõna tuumajaama rajamise teemal, AK nädal, ERR, 03.12.2023
- Andrey Makarychev, ОТ ПОЛИТОЛОГА ⟩ Как поведет себя не достигшая своих целей в Украине Россия: пять сценариев долгой войны (FROM A POLITICAL SCIENTIST ⟩ How Russia, which has not achieved its goals in Ukraine, will behave: five scenarios for a long war),, 29.11.2023
- Elena Pavlova, Guest in the radio programme "Сергеева", Raadio 4, 28.11.2023
- Piret Ehin and Stefano Braghiroli conducted a full-day training for journalists entitled “How decisions are made in the EU?” at the EU House in Tallinn, 27.11.2023
- Stefano Braghiroli & Andrey Makarychev, Mapping scenarios for Belarus, New Eastern Europe, 19.11.2023
- Eiki Berg: palestiinlaste inimväärne elu Iisraelis on võimalik, Postimees, 18.11.2023
- Alar Kilp: oleks just imelik, kui president poleks Metsküla kooli teemal sekkunud, Eesti Päevaleht, 18.11.2023
- Stefano Braghiroli, interview for: TV3 Uudised on Kaja Kallas' future as potential NATO Secretary General, 15.11.2023
- Heiko Pääbo, Meil on kriis – mida me teeme?! Rollimäng rahvusvaheliste suhete õpetamisel, RSR artiklite kogumik. Maailmast 2023, 2023.
- Heiko Pääbo, interview for: Europa Bałtyck, Instytut Europy Środkowej, 2023
- Andrey Makarychev, video interview: ""Государство присваивает тела людей". Андрей Макарычев о биополитике путинизма" ("The state appropriates people's bodies." Andrey Makarychev on the biopolitics of Putinism), Радио Свобода, 12.11.2023
- Eiki Berg, Iisraeli enesekaitse on võrdväärne Nõukogude Eesti hävituspataljonide õigustusega kaitsta end metsavendade eest, Eesti Päevaleht, 7.11.2023
- Andrey Makarychev, "Routinize and Neutralize: Politics of Naming and Discursive Strategies During Russia's War Against Ukraine", Centre for International Security
- Azniv Tadevosyan, guest in "Kofe+", ETV+, 02.11.2023
- 'Eiki Berg, "Eiki Berg Lähis-Idas toimuva sõja põhjustest", Uudis+, Vikerraadio, 02.11.2023
- Rein Toomla, arvamus: "Reinsalust on saanud opositsiooniliider, aga valitsusse see Isamaad ei vii", Postimees, 02.11.2023
- Sofia Vasilopoulou, Liisa Talving, "How regional inequality shapes trust in the EU", EUROPP – European Politics and Policy, 01.11.2023
- Liisi Veski saates "Kuue samba taga": mida näitavad rahvusluse ja rahvusliku enesemääramise uuringud, meie ning Euroopa ajalugu ja praegused liikumised, Raadio KUKU, 30.10.2023
- Sanshiro Hosaka, "Are You Really Interested in Really-Existing Russia?" presentation on the Aleksanteri Conference, 25.10.2023
- Dmytro Khutkyy met with Stanford University students in Tallinn and discussed situation with the Russia-Ukraine war, 24.10.2023
Eiki Berg, "Iisraeli ja Palestiina pinged" ERR Terevisioon, 19.10.2023 - Piret Ehin and Mihkel Solvak gave a session titled "On trust in elections and election technology: methods, their limits and Estonian trends," at the conference on Trust and Reliability, held by the Standing Committee on Cybersecurity of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 17.10.2023
- Leonore Riitsalu, interview: "Estonian researcher explains why we make irrational financial decisions" (Dlaczego podejmujemy nieracjonalne decyzje finansowe? Wyjaśnia estońska badaczka), Warsaw Business Journal,, 15.10.2023
- Anna Beitane, Stefano Braghiroli, "ОТ ПОЛИТОЛОГА ⟩ Путь в Европу: прошлое Эстонии – будущее Молдовы?" (Path to Europe: Estonia's past - the future of Moldova?), Postimees, 11.10.2023.
- Andrey Makarychev, "Левиафан без границ" (Leviathan Without Borders), Регион.Эксперт, 11.10.2023
- Dmytro Khutkyy presented the talk "Ukraine’s digital resistance: Centralization and decentralization" at the "Governance for Societal Resilience in the Baltic Sea Region and Eastern Europe" conference at the Södertörn University, Sweden.
- Siim Espenberg osales 11.-12. oktoobril aasta suurimal sotsiaalvaldkonna konverentsil „Sotsiaal(t)öö – kuhu ja kellega liigub?“.
- Siim Espenberg andis Physicumis õppeaines „Tuumatehnoloogia seminar“ seminari teemal „Tuumaenergia sotsiaalmajanduslikud aspektid“, 10.10.2023.
- Eiki Berg, "INTERVJUU | Eiki Berg: sealmaal võrdub ühe juudi elu sadade palestiinlaste eludega. Kahjuks on see nii", Eesti Päevaleht, 09.10.2023
- Eiki Berg, intervjuu: "Puust ja punaseks. Politoloog selgitab, milles seisneb Iisraeli-Gaza konflikt", Tartu Postimees, 09.10.2023
- Kristiina Vain andis ettekande teemal "Eesti munatootmise üleminek vabapidamissüsteemidele" Riigikogu konverentsisaalis. Tegime RAKE-s selleteemalise uuringu, tellijaks MTÜ Nähtamatud Loomad
- Dmytro Khutkyy participated in the panel discussion “Internet disinformation - ethical and legal regulation in Ukraine” conducted at the Artificial intelligence and disinformation: Uncovering digital propaganda 2.0 conference, October 6, 2023, Lviv, Ukraine and online.
- Bogdan Romanov, In This Country, Parliament is Elected Online, Release Peace: the Magazine, 2023
- Anna Beitane took part in Erasmus+ contact seminar “Enhancing Digital Competences in Education Training" in Tallinn, 19-22 September
- Stefano Braghiroli, appearance in "Pärastlõunased uudised", Vikerraadio, 21.09.2023
- Piret Ehin attended an expert roundtable on the impact of the EU’s prospective enlargement, organized by the Government Office of Estonia at the Stenbock house. She presented the results of an analysis “The impact of prospective enlargement on voting in the Council of the European Union” and introduced a newly-built interactive EU30+ voting calculator, available here. 18.09.2023.
- Toomas Hendrik Ilves, interview "Ukraine war: former Estonian president urges Switzerland to lift ban on arms exports" 19.09.2023
- Toomas Hendrik Ilves, intervjuu "President Ilves Šveitsile: miks te siis üldse relvi toodate?", ERR, 20.09.2023
- Edgars Eihmanis, commentary on the topic of electric car market in "Keskpäevased uudised", ERR Vikerraadio, 15.09.2023
- Alar Kilp, külaline saates “Raadiohommik: Kõlvartist kärbuva ekspordini”, Äripäev, 12.09.2023
- Maili Vilson gave a comment for “Rethinking Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies in the West”, New Eastern Europe, 11.09.2023
- Stefano Braghiroli participated as an expert to the Nordic and Baltic Security Conference organized by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Nordic Countries and held in Cadenabbia (Italy) on August 28-29
- Alar Kilbi kommentaar artiklis Aivar Aotäht, „Kes teab vastust, miks on Reformierakonna toetus endiselt kõrge?“ Postimees/Sakala, 22.08.2023
- RAKE osalusel tehtud uuringu põhjal valmis Airika Harriku artikkel: „Eesti teadlaste patud kõnelevad vähesest rahast ja põlvkondlikust lõhest“, ERR Novaator, 21.08.2023
- Eva Piirimäe, intervjuu: "Euroopa taassünd ja valgustuse poliitika", Sirp. 18.08.2023
- Natalia Kovyliaeva, "ОТ ПОЛИТОЛОГА: Умножая боль: сексуализированное насилие как оружие войны России в Украине" (FROM A POLITICAL SCIENTIST: Multiplying Pain: Sexualized Violence as a Weapon of Russia's War in Ukraine), Rus.Postimees, 10.08.2023
- Liisa Talving (2023). Estonia. In: Freedom House, Nations in Transit 2023
- Andrey Makarychev, Interview: "How has the Russian speaking minority in Estonia changed?", Hype & Hyper, 08.08.11
- Andrey Makarychev, Interview: "The Russian ‘culture of death’ — interview with Andrey Makarychev", Hype & Hyper, 04.08.11
- Andrey Makarychev & Sanshiro Hosaka, ОТ ПОЛИТОЛОГА: Чем становится Грузия для новых русских эмигрантов (FROM A POLITICAL SCIENTIST: What Georgia is becoming for new Russian emigrants) Postimees. 01.08.2023.
- Eva Piirimäe, "Saatesõna: kõnelused omas ajas ja üle aja", Akadeemia, nr 8. 26.07.2023
- Sanshiro Hosaka, "Volodymyr Zelenskyy: From a weak anti-war leader to a symbol of the fight for liberation", The Japan Times. 27.07.2023
- Maria Chiara Franceschelli and Viacheslav Morozov, One Step Ahead of the Dictator: OVD-Info and the Rebuilding of Russian Civil Society. PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo 849. 19.07.2021
- Dmytro Khutkyy presented at the 27th IPSA World Congress of Political Science in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 15-19.07.2023
- Heiko Pääbo. "Ukraina – kultuuride kokkupuutepunktide ruum", Sirp. 14.07.2023
- Stefano Braghiroli gave an open lecture "The role of the Baltic States in the EU and NATO in the light of the war in Ukraine: From Marginality to Centrality" at the Center for Openness and Dialogue in Tirana. 12.07.2023
- Anna Beitane held a seminar on "Digital technologies and innovative teaching pedagogies" at EPOKA University, Tirana. 11.07.2023
- Kadri Lees, "ОТ ПОЛИТОЛОГА: Украинские беженцы преуспели на рынке труда Эстонии" (FROM A POLITICAL SCIENTIST: Ukrainian refugees have succeeded in the Estonian labor market). Postimees. 11.07.2023
- Stefano Braghiroli, "Baltic voices - from the fringes to the fore", New Eastern Europe. 04.07.2023
- Siim Espenberg, intervjuu: "Eesti laenuturg vajab selgemaid reegleid". ERR Vikerraadio. 27.06.2023
- RAKE krediidituru uuring panustab poliitikakujundamisse: „Inkassofirmad lähevad edaspidi finantsinspektsiooni järelevalve alla“. Delfi Ärileht. 26.06.2023
- Anne Bykova and Dmytro Khutkyy. “In some digital solutions Ukraine is 20 years behind Estonia, while in some – is ahead by 5.” Delfi, 20.06.2023
- Heidi Ann Erbsen, (via Alliance4Life policy paper) "Euroopa innovatsioonilõhe sulgemist pärsib liigne hoogtöö", Novaator, 14.06.23
- Dmytro Khutkyy. "ОТ ПОЛИТОЛОГА: Верить ли глазам своим? Проверка фактов в социальных сетях" (FROM A POLITICAL SCIENTIST: Can you believe your eyes? Social Media Fact Check). Postimees. 13.06.2023
- Stefano Braghiroli, interview: "This was an election campaign dominated by the context of the war in Ukraine", New Eastern Europe, 12.06.23
- Shpend Kursani with contributions from Eiki Berg and ETAG, Dataset on De Facto States (1945-2017), 11.06.23
- Edgars Eihmanis, Jonathan Zeitlin and David Bokhorst, Governing the RRF: Drafting, Implementing, and Monitoring National Recovery and Resilience Plans as an Interactive Multi-Level Process, Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) Policy Study, 09.06.2023.
- Andrey Makarychev gave a presentation on 15th International Conference of the Estonian Association of Comparative Literature (EACL), entitled "The Visual Necropolitics of Urban Trauma: the Case of Mariupol", 09.06.2023
- Leonore Riitsalu, Mart Alaru, "How an Estonian university and an Austrian foundation are improving the world together", Research in Estonia, 07.06.2023
- Liisi Veski, "Baltic Ways, Ep. 16: The School of Democracy in Interwar Estonia: An interview with Dr. Liisi Veski", Baltic Ways Podcast, 06.06.23
- Piret Ehin rääkis Kuku raadio Välismäärajas Euroopa Liidu reformimisest ja laienemisest: eetris 04.06.2023 / Piret Ehin gave an interview to Kuku radio about EU reforms and enlargement
- Michael Cole, "Feature: 'In bad times, good friends turn up'| ERR News on the HMS Albion", ERR, 03.06.2023
- Stefano Braghiroli, Contribution to podcast Aelvis of Comitato Ventotene on the role of the Baltic states in Europe and in supporting Ukraine, 26.05.2023
- RAKE "Inimkeskse haiglaeelse erakorralise meditsiinilise abi analüüsi" (Kerli Ilves, Helen Urmann, Ruth Kalda, Kadri Suija, Liis Rooväli, Mait Raag, Kuido Nõmm) käsitleti Eesti Päevalehes: "Kolmes maakonnas ei pruugi kiirabi eluohtlikus seisus patsiendini õigel ajal jõuda", 25.05.2023
- RAKE "Kagu-Eesti piiriala sotsiaalmajandusliku olukorra, siseturvalisuse, piirijulgeoleku ja kogukonna uuringut" (Veiko Sepp, Eiki Berg, Allan Allik, Helen Urmann, Kristel Vits), käsitleti Aktuaalses Kaameras, koos Eiki Bergi kommentaariga: "Uuring: piirialade elanike arv võib 12 aastaga väheneda veerandi võrra", ERR, 20.05.2023
- Andrey Makarychev, "Can War Be Normalized?", Russian Analytical Digest, 19.05.2023
- Andrey Makarychev was a panelist and chair at the 15th International Scientific and Theoretical Conference entitled "Laughter and Its Features / On the Nature of Laughter", 18.05.2023
- Andrey Makarychev, "ОТ ПОЛИТОЛОГА ⟩ Натянутые отношения российских либералов с Украиной не улучшаются" ("Russian liberals' strained relations with Ukraine do not improve"),, 16.05.2023
- Piret Ehin was one of the panelists in a panel discussion “Is Europe Reintegrating?” organized by the Government Office of Estonia together with Timothy Garton Ash, Kristi Raik, Klen Jäärats and Marek Tamm, 12.05.2023
- RAKE uuringut (Raul Eamets, Kaidi Nõmmela, Kerly Espenberg, Kadri Lees, Olha Lysa, Marvi Remmik, Minni Saapar, Sabina Trankmann, Lisanna Lehes) kasutati artiklis "Osa Ukraina sõjapõgenikke kinnitab Eestis kanda. Enamik aga vaatab kodumaa poole" Eesti Päevaleht, 11.05.2023
- Stephano Braghiroli gave an interview: "‘Western Europe wouldn’t have missed the Baltics’ – how Latvia and Estonia joined the EU", Lithuanian National Radio and Television, 10.05.2023
- Andrey Makarychev participated in panel discussion "On track? Infrastructure cooperation from the Baltics to the Balkans" within Regional Synergies in Tackling Common Challenges at Mathias Corvinus Collegium. 09.05.2023
- Interview with Viacheslav Morozov about the new Russian Foreign Policy Concept: “Anti-Western in Form, Neoliberal in Content”, Posle, 06.05.2023.
- Martin Mölder: "poliitilisest diskrimineerimisest", ERR, 05.05.2023
- Elena Pavlova participated in an online seminar "Russian-Latin American Relations Following Russia’s War on Ukraine", Columbia University in the City of New York, 03.05.2023
- Dmytro Khutkyy, "Как Украина оказывает цифровое сопротивление" (How Ukraine provides digital resistance),, 02.05.2023
- Leonore Riitsalu oli KUKU raadio saates "Kuue samba taga" ja rääkis rahalisest heaolust, 01.05.2023
- Izzet Yalin Youksel andis intervjuu: "Türgi opositsioon koondub ühise vaenlase vastu", Postimees, 28.04.2023
- Andrey Makarychev gave an interview: "Как "государство присваивает себе тела своих граждан". И что будет в России после войны" (How the State Appropriates Citizens' Bodies. And What Will Happen in Russia After the War), 26.04.2023
- Stefano Braghiroli held an online training "From military and political support in the war effort to full membership" for Ukrainian MFA staff organized by the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine on 25-26.04.
- Stefano Braghiroli contributed to the Closed Seminar / Roundtables "Russia’s aggression in focus. What have we learnt since February 2022?" and "Threat assessment. How to prepare for the future? Recommendations for NATO" organized by New Eastern Europe, 25.04.2023
- Stefano Braghiroli participated in Public Panel Discussion – "Reassessing Security. What lessons should NATO learn from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?" jointly organized by New Eastern Europe, the Faculty of International and Political Studies at the Jagiellonian University and LSE IDEAS CSEEP, 24.04.2023
- Anatoly Reshetnikov, Lisa Gaufman, Viacheslav Morozov, “Can music help Russians unite against the regime?”, Russia.Post, 22.04.2023
- Dmytro Khutkyy and Elisa Lironi. “Internet voting for open government: what, why, and how to introduce it in the European Union.” EDDA-ECAS Policy Brief 2023/1
- Dmytro Khutkyy and Elisa Lironi. “Internet voting for open government: what, why, and how to introduce it in European countries.” EDDA-ECAS Policy Brief 2023/2
- Dmytro Khutkyy and Elisa Lironi. “Internet voting for open government: what, why, and how to introduce it in local communities.” EDDA-ECAS Policy Brief 2023/3
- Kerli Ilves rääkis vaimse tervise kättesaadavusest Eestis saates "Huvitaja", Vikerraadio, 19.04.2023
- Stefano Braghiroli, Andrey Makarychev, "ОТ ПОЛИТОЛОГА: Эстонский либерализм в поисках нового баланса" / "FROM A POLITICAL SCIENTIST: Estonian liberalism in search of a new balance",18.04.23
- Vello Pettai, "Populism kui vastuhakk 21. sajandi modernsusele", Universitas Tartuensis, Aprill 2023.
- Shpend Kursani gave two lectures at the University College Roosevelt in Middelburg. One lecture was on "The Politics of Self-Determination" and the other one was on "Observations of Structure and Mind in Religious Radicalization and Violence". 06.04.2023.
- Vincent Homburg gave his inaugural lecture entitled "The Politics of E-Governance" in the University of Tartu Assembly Hall. 06.04.2023.
- Dmytro Khutkyy, “Как война закалила украинское общество: открытия социологических опросов” (How the War has Hardened Ukrainian Society: Discoveries from Sociological Surveys), Rus.Postimees, 04.04.2023.
- Raul Toomla, "Toomla: ROK kompab seda piiri, kaugele lääs lubab minna", ERR Sport, 03.04.2023
- Catherine Gibson, “Mapmakers in the Baltic Provinces of the Russian Empire,” Peripheral Histories?, 03.04.2023.
- Kerli Ilves, "Teadmised vaimse tervise hoidmisest ja edendamisest tuleb viia päriselt praktikasse", Postimees, 01.04.2023
- Michael Cole, "Feature|'Work hard, play hard': A taste of life on board the HMS Mersey", ERR, 31.03.2023
- Андрей Макарычев, "Русские политэмигранты желают Украине победы, но продолжают видеть в соседях России «младших братьев»",, 28.03.2023
- On March 21 - 25 Andey Makaychev was lecturing at the intensive course organized by the BAMSE consortium in Riga and titled "The resilience of Baltic and East European democracies"
- Anna Beitane provided input as a contributing expert to the report “Practitioners’ Field Guide for Implementing Educational Technology“, prepared by Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society and CATALPA - Center of Advanced Technology for Assisted Learning and Predictive Analytics at the FernUniversität in Hagen
- Heiko Pääbo was the guest in MCC Votes & Seats Podcast: Parliamentary election in Estonia, 21.03.2023
- Sanshiro Hosaka, “Baruto chiiki no anzen hosho: Henbo o togetsutsu aru ‘NATO no akiresuken’” [Changing NATO's Achilles Heel—Security in the Baltic Region], Security Studies, 5 (1), 2023
- Piret Ehin and Skytte MA student Pearu Pirsko submitted a report “Links between Russian disinformation narratives and far-right populism in the Baltic and Nordic countries” to British Embassies in the Nordic Baltic Network, March 2023
- Andrey Makarychev, "Что представляют из себя мигранты из России, которые приехали в Эстонию после начала войны" (What do the migrants from Russia, who came to Estonia after the start of the war, represent?), ETV+ , 16.03.2023
- Mihkel Solvak, "miks inimesed usaldavad e-valimisi", Maaleht, 16.03.2023
- Mihkel Solvak, “Online voting – the future of democracy or a niche trend?”, e-Estonia podcast, 15.03.2023
- Mihkel Solvak, "E-valimistevastase usalduse õõnestaja kahjustab tavaliselt iseennast", Eesti Päevaleht, 15.03.2023
- Piret Ehin commented on the role of women in Estonian politics for the Polish weekly Tygodnik Powszechny
- Stefano Braghiroli, "Estonia's Liberal Wave", DCU Brexit Institute, 09.03.23
- Catherine Gibson, “Martha Luise Sophie Bielenstein (1861–1938): Map of ‘The Latvian Language Area’ (1892).” In: Women in the History of Science: A Sourcebook, edited by Hannah Wills, Sadie Harrison, Erika Jones, Farrah Lawrence-Mackey and Rebecca Martin, pp. 198–201. London: UCL Press, 2023
- Valimiste Valvurite meediakaja seoses 2023. aasta Riigikogu valimistega
- Alar Kilp, „The Role of the ROC in the Sacralization of Secular Imperial Nationalism“. February 24, 2023. Part of the series: The Russia-Ukraine War and Religion: One Year after the Beginning of the Invasion
- Andrey Makarychev hosts a podcast of Подкасты CEURUSа with guest Dr. Yulia Kurnyshova, remembering the year of war, 24.02.2023
- Andrey Makarychev gave a lecture entitled "Normalize and Rationalize: Intellectuals of Statecraft and Russia's War in Ukraine" in the Free University of Brussels. 24.02.2023
- Andrey Makarychev gave a lecture entitled "Biopolitics, Necropolitics and New Russia Studies" in the Free University of Brussels. 23.02.2023
- Andrey Makarychev gave a speech "Russia's Necropolitical Sovereignty: from Border Transgression to War" at the opening of the Ukraine Knowledge Center at the University of Ghent. 22.02.2023
- Anna Beitane and Stefano Braghiroli gave a talk and contributed to the NearEU awareness seminar held on 22.02 by the University Donja Gorica (Montenegro)
- Stefano Braghiroli held an online seminar "From military and political support in the war effort to full membership" at the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine on 21.02.2023
- Eiki Berg, Maailmapoliitikas valitsev segadus ohustab meie julgeolekut, Postimees 21.02.2023
- Dmytro Khutkyy, "Opportunities and dangers of digitalisation: Global and European dimensions", European Digital Development Alliance, 19.02.2023
- Media coverage of the survey on Ukrainian refugees by CASS and Praxis: "UURING ⟩ Ukrainlased ei tulnud Eestisse sotsiaaltoetuste peale elama", Postimees, 19.02.23; "Eamets: kahtlemata on Ukraina sõjapõgenikud toonud Eesti majandusele kasu", ERR, 17.02.23
- Siim Espenberg is part of Valimiste valvurid: "EDETABEL | Kes jäid läinud nädalal silma hea valimistava rikkumisega?" Eesti Päevaleht 17.02.2023
- Leonore Riitsalu gave an interview: "Uuring: rahaline heaolu võtab igas eas oma näo" ERR Novaator, 16.02.23
- Andres Reiljan, TV appearance/interview: "ERR-i valijakompass", ERR Terevisioon, 15.02.23
- Andres Reiljan, Radio appearance: "Andres Reiljan tutvustab valijakompassi", ERR Vikerraadio, 15.02.2023
- Andres Reiljan, "Kuidas sündis Valijakompass 2023", ERR uudised, 14.02.23
- Andres Reiljan, brief appearance in "Aktuaalne kaamera", ERR, 14.02.23
- Piret Ehin, New Professor: "Piret Ehin: demokraatial on ees keerulised ajad", Universitas Tartuensis, February 2023
- Rein Taagepera, Portrait: "Renessansiaja inimene Rein Taagepera", Universitas Tartuensis, February 2023
- Piret Ehin served as discussant at research seminar "Populism, parties and challenges to democracy. A look at Estonia, Europe and beyond” at Tallinn University. 08.02.2022
- Siim Espenberg is part of Valimiste valvurid: "EDETABEL | Kes jäid läinud nädalal silma hea valimistava rikkumisega?", Eesti Päevaleht, 03.02.2023 and "EDETABEL | Poliitikute reklaamid ja Facebooki kommentaarid rikkusid head valimistava", Eesti Päevaleht, 10.02.2023
- Lelde Luik. Analysis: "Lelde Luik: Liberaalset rahvusvahelist korda vaidlustamas? Aasia riikide reaktsioone Venemaa sissetungile Ukrainasse", 03.02.2023
- Andrey Makarychev, "War in Ukraine and new practices in Estonia’s foreign policy", Baltic Rim Economies, 2023
- Leonore Riitsalu, guest in radio: Pensionisüsteeem vajab muutmist, ERR Reporteritund, 25.01.2023
- Andrey Makarychev, The Performative (Bio)Politics of Bare Life: between Putinism and Shamanism, Protest, 16.01.2023
- Martin Mölder, Aktuaalne Kaamera, ERR, 15.01.2023
- Martin Mölder, "Valijate enamik ei soovi Euroopa edasist föderaliseerumist" Postimees, 09.01.2023
- Sanshiro Hosaka, "Japan Rediscovered Ukraine: The End of Tokyo’s “Delicate Balancing Act” in Europe's Indo-Pacific Tilt: Estonian and Japanese Interests. ICDS. 03.01.2023
Teadusartiklid ja raamatud
- Catherine Gibson (2023). Attuning to Emotions in the History of Border-Making: The Estonian-Latvian Boundary Commission in 1920. Journal of Modern European History, 1−15.
- Catherine Gibson, Susan Grunewald, Siobhán Hearne, Jo Laycock, Hanna Matt, Alun Thomas (2023). Peripheral Histories: Reflections on a Digital History Project in an Evolving Field. Ab Imperio, 3, 245−253.
- Kristina Muhhina. 2024. ICT-based co-production and democracy: Enacting space, people, and authority in polycentric sites of governance in Estonia. Government Information Quarterly.
- Yulia Kurnyshova, Andrey Makarychev. Exception and analogical reasoning in Ukrainian and Russian political discourses. Exploring Russia’s Exceptionalism in International Politics. Routlege. 2023.
- Aleksandra Sojka, Liisa Talving, Sofia Vasilopoulou. Free to move, reluctant to share: Unequal opposition to transnational rights under the EU's free movement principle. European Union Politics. 07.12.2023
- Zeitlin, J., Bokhorst, D. and Eihmanis, E. (2023) Rethinking the Governance and Delivery of the Cohesion Policy Funds: Is the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) a Model?, for the 8th meeting of the Group of high-level specialists on the future of Cohesion Policy; Brussels: European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy.
- Yuliia Kurnyshova & Andrey Makarychev 2023. Visual Biopolitics of Multiple Insecurities: Anthropological Inquiries in Eastern Europe. Visual Anthropology. 21.11.2023
- Justin Rosenberg, Ole Wæver, Viacheslav Morozov, Charlotte Epstein, R.B.J. Walker, Arlene B Tickner, Milja Kurki. “Multiplicity and ‘The International’ as Critique – A Forum”. Millennium: Journal of International Studies. 2023.
- Andrey Makarychev, The Russia Discourses of Estonian Populists: Before and After the War in Ukraine, Producing Cultural Change in Political Communities, pp 251–267, 14.11.2023
- Naczyk, M. and Eihmanis, E. (2023) ‘Populist party-producer group alliances and divergent developmentalist politics of minimum wages in Poland and Hungary’, Competition & Change, 09.11.2023
- Sandra Hagelin (2023), Framing Entangled Borders in the Baltic States, Journal of Borderlands Studies, 07.11.2023
- Viacheslav Morozov, 'Russia and the liberal order: from contestation to antagonism', International Affairs 99(6), November 2023, pp. 2301-2318.
- Sanshiro Hosaka. "Cold War Active Measures." Routledge Handbook of Disinformation and National Security. Routledge 45-58.
- Martin Mölder, Party and Party System Institutionalization: Which Comes First?, Perspectives on Politics as FirstView, 17.10.2023
- Elena Pavlova and Maili Vilson, “We” versus “others” in Estonian fiction: the question of national identity in the works of contemporary women writers, Journal of Baltic Studies, 17.10.2023
- Elena Pavlova, Venelased versus venelased kaasaegses venekeelses eesti kirjanduses, Keel ja Kirjandus, oktoober 2023.
- Stefano Braghiroli and Andrey Makarychev (2023). "Emergence and consolidation of regionalism in the Baltic Sea Region and its implications in the context of the war in Ukraine", In: Tomasz Branka and Victor Shadurski (Ed.). Re-thinking the Baltic Sea Region: trends and challenges. (67−84). Baltic Sea University / Uppsala University Press.
- Sofia Vasilopoulou, Liisa Talving. 2023. Euroscepticism as a syndrome of stagnation? Regional inequality and trust in the EU. Journal of European Public Policy. 06.10.2023.
- Edgars Eihmanis. (2023) ‘Ten Years of the European Semester: policy goals, effectiveness and legitimacy’, in D. Adamski, F. Amtenbrink, and J. de Haan (eds). The Cambridge Handbook on European Monetary, Economic and Financial Market Integration. Cambridge: Cambridge University
- Dmytro Khutkyy, and Eduardo Astudillo Laureda. 2023. “Internet Voting for Policy Proposals: Amplifying Open Government in Chile and Colombia.” JeDEM - EJournal of EDemocracy and Open Government 15(1): 48–72. Retrieved September 18, 2023.
- Timofejevs, Peteris F. and Louis Wierenga. 2023. "Making Tomorrow's Leaders: The transnationalism of radical right youth organizations in the Baltic Sea area, 2015-2019", Baltic Worlds, VOL. XVI:3.
- Sliwa, Zdzislaw and Louis Wierenga. 2023. "Facing an unknown future - The Baltic countries' destiny". IES Policy Papers, 3/2023, The Baltic states and new security challenges in flux.
- Caherine Gibson (2023). “Review of From the Holy Roman Empire to the Land of the Tsars: One Family’s Odyssey, 1768–1870 , by Alexander M. Martin.” Canadian-American Slavic Studies 57 (3–4): 514–517.
- Eva Piirimäe. Herder on the Self-Determination of Peoples. The Review of Politics. 1-24. 14.08.2023
- Andrey Makarychev, Ryhor Nizhnikau 2023. Normalize and rationalize: Intellectuals of statecraft and Russia’s war in Ukraine. Journal of International Relations and Development. 31.07.2023
- Krzysztof Krakowski , and Shpend Kursani. 2023. “Why Do People Use Informal Justice? Experimental Evidence from Kosovo.” Journal of Experimental Political Science. 18.07.2023
- Dmytro Khutkyy, “Citizen Engagement and Open Government Co-creation: The Cases of Brazil and the Dominican Republic.” Pp. 199–204. In Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (DGO '23). 11.07.2023
- Andres Reiljan, Diego Garzia, Federico Ferreira da Silva, Alexander H. Trechsel. Patterns of Affective Polarization toward Parties and Leaders across the Democratic World. American Political Science Review. 29.06.2023
- Andrey Makarychev, Thomas Diez. Introduction: Political Logics and Academic Rationalities of Securitisation and International Crises. Central European Journal of International and Security Studies. Volume 17, Issue 2, 2023.
- Andrey Makarychev, Tatiana Romashko. Conflictual Rebordering: The Russia Policies of Finland and Estonia. Central European Journal of International and Security Studies. Volume 17, Issue 2, 2023. 21.06.2023
- Dmytro Khutkyy, Olga Matveieva & Diana Mirza-Grisco. Voting in online surveys on open government policies in Moldova and Ukraine. Internet Policy Review, 12(2). 21.06.2023
- Peet Kask, Oliver Nahkur, Rein Taagepera 2023. Lack-of-corruption goes with Liberal-Egalitarian features of democracy. Comparative Sociology 22, 359-388. 20.06.2023
- Andrey Makarychev, "Reactive Re-Bordering, Geopolitics and Biopolitics: Estonia at Europe’s Eastern Flank", Alternatives, 08.06.2023
- Sanshiro Hosaka. “Japanese Scholars on the ‘Ukraine Crisis’: Russia-Centered Ontology, Aversion to Western Mainstream and Vulnerabilities to Disinformation.” In Russian Disinformation and Western Scholarship, Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, eds. Taras Kuzio and Julie Fedor, 153-190.
- Rein Taagepera and Miroslav Nemcok 2023. World population growth over millennia: Ancient and present phases with a temporary halt in-between. The Anthropocene Review. 16.05.2023
- Martin Mölder, Eiki Berg, "Conflicts and Shifts in the Kremlin’s Political Discourse since the Start of the Putin Presidency (2000–2019)", Europe-Asia Studies, 12.05.2023
- Andrey Makarychev, "Conflictual Rebordering: The Russia Policies of Finland and Estonia", Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, 24.04.2023
- Eiki Berg, Shpend Kursani, "Back to the Future: Attempts to Buy, Swap, and Annex Territories in Contemporary Sovereignty Practices", Global Studies Quarterly, 18.04.2023
- Leonore Riitsalu, Adele Atkinson, Rauno Pello, "The bottlenecks in making sense of financial well-being", International Journal of Social Economics, 17.04.2023.
- Eva Piirimäe. Herder and Enlightenment Politics (Ideas in Context). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2023
- Heidi Erbsen and Jussi Jauhiainen. "Multilevel governance in the temporal protection and integration of Ukrainians within the European Union: the case of Estonia." Journal of European Integration. 2023
- Liisi Veski, "Towards stronger national unity: statist ideas in Estonian nationalism during the “Era of Silence” (1934–1940)", Journal of Baltic Studies, 16.03.2023
- Shpend Kursani, “Removing the Government of the Host State: Outside Military Intervention.” The Routledge Handbook of Self-Determination, London: Routledge, 2023
- Eiki Berg. "Engagement Without Recognition." The Routledge Handbook on Self-Determination and Secession. Routledge, pp. 359-371. 2023
- Dmytro Khutkyy, “Chancen und Gefahren der Digitalisierung”, OST-WEST. Europäische Perspektiven, 1/2023: 2-10
- George Spencer Terry (Editor), Dr. Sandis Šrāders (Chief Editor): "The Winter of Russia's Discontent. Russia’s Futures from Within and Without". The Conference on Russia Papers 2023, University of Tartu Press, 2023
- George Spencer Terry. "Introduction." The Winter of Russia's Discontent. Russia’s Futures from Within and Without. The Conference on Russia Papers 2023. University of Tartu Press, 2023
- George Spencer Terry. "An Obituary for the Post-Soviet, 1991–2022". The Winter of Russia's Discontent. Russia’s Futures from Within and Without. The Conference on Russia Papers 2023. University of Tartu Press, 2023
- Andrey Makarychev, Victoria Leukavets, Georgi Beridze (the last two researchers are colleagues from Belarus and Georgia who visited Skytte as research fellows): "Electoral Campaigns in Times of Lockdown: Post-Soviet Experiences", Europe-Asia Studies, 09.02.2023
- Leonore Riitsalu, Marvi Remmik, Kristiina Vain, Rene Sulg, Henri Lindal: "From Security to Freedom— The Meaning of Financial Well-being Changes with Age", Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 28.01.2023
- Andres Reiljan, Mariano Torcal, Lisa Zanotti: "Editorial: Affective polarization in comparative perspective", Frontiers in Political Science, 23.01.2023
- Shpend Kursani, “Costs of International Recognition: Palestine’s and Kosovo’s Struggle with Negotiated Statehood.”, Geopolitics 0 (0): 1–29, 02.01.2023
- Liisa Talving, Piret Ehin. "Estonia: Empowering the Executive". In: Governments' Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Europe, 2023