Topic: continuing education

Going Green and being Cool – UT is going to empower students talking about climate
2024. aasta kevadel alustab Tartu Ülikoolis MOOC-kursus kõigile neile, kes on huvitatud roheteemadest ja sooviks neid sotsiaalmeedias paremini kommunikeerida.
Microdegree „Digital governance and cross-border e-services“
Micro-credential to provide basic knowledge of e-governance and the development of cross-border e-services.
21. June 2023 continuing education
NearEU partnering experts visit J. Skytte Institute of Political Studies
NearEU partnering experts visit J. Skytte Institute of Political Studies
30. September 2022 continuing education
Intensive course “Implications of Crises on the State of Democracy: theoretical and methodological tools for studying the East of Europe”
Intensive course “Implications of Crises on the State of Democracy: theoretical and methodological tools for studying the East of Europe”
22. September 2022 continuing education
Enrol in a MOOC "Common Challenges of Competing Regionalisms" offered by the NearEU Module
Skytte e-course "Common Challenges of Competing Regionalisms", 2 ETC, 29.08.2022 - 09.10.2022.
UT students and staff can take courses on the popular learning platform Coursera
Until October 2022, all UT members can take one free Coursera course. Students can also use it towards the completion of their curriculum if they wish.
28. April 2022 continuing education
Continuous Education
Trainings and continuous education programmes in Skytte institute.
26. March 2024 continuing education