
Congratulations! You are now a full-time Johan Skytte Institute for Political Studies student. To make the best use of your university time, we have compiled the materials that a student at our institute may need on this page.

Read the study instructions and guidelines section and pay special attention to the Skytte Institute's Bachelor's and Master's Degree Document. It sets out all the requirements that the written work of our institute must meet. In addition to guidelines for formatting the title page, you will learn which reference system to use and how to avoid plagiarism. These are, of course, just a few examples. The document itself is, first and foremost, a practical and necessary tool for your study years.

Contact details in case of...

One of the best ways to gain practical knowledge and professional work experience is to do an internship during your studies. Our internship coordinator will gladly provide you with additional information. You will find all contact information on the page's right panel.

1. Study instructions. Studies at the University of Tartu are organised according to certain rules. Please get acquainted with Study Regulations, the most important document regulating your studies in the University of Tartu.

2. Your rights as a student. The site is also a good source for UT good practice of learning.

3. Requirements for final theses, forming of the defence committee, appointment of a reviewer, and for the defence and second defence at the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies. (updated in December 2021) Current document and its three annexes lay out the rules and the requirements. After reading you will also know how to avoid plagiarism using the most common citation styles.

  • Annex 1: Guidelines for writing and formatting papers
  • Annex 2: Thesis guidelines and assessment criteria
  • Annex 3: Informed consent for the online defence of the thesis and for the recording of the defence

4. Curricula study guides

5. Regulations and documents in the Faculty of Social Sciences

  • Good Practice in Supervision in the Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Procedure for Processing Cases of Academic Fraud in the Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Procedure and Conditions of Competition for Filling Vacant Student Places in the Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Procedure for Assessing Doctoral Students Progress in Research and Conducting Progress Reviews in the Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Procedure for Recognition of Prior Learning and Professional Experience in Degree Study in the Faculty of Social Sciences

6. Additional materials:

Use the possibility to spend a part of your studies outside of Estonia! Either by studying one or two semesters abroad, doing an internship abroad or participating in a summer school. You can also go on a blended mobility for up to 30 days. There are different scholarships and grants available for most of these. It's a good idea to start thinking about it at the beginning of your studies. While planning the necessary steps for your studies abroad, go to the homepage of the UT Study Abroad Center, which will help you further.

IMPORTANT! Whilst planning your studies abroad, go to the following pages and act accordingly:

Feel free to turn to our institute’s coordinators for advice. You find their contacts in the panel on the right.

Defences in the 2024/2025 academic year

Autumn Semester

  • 02.12 Submitting thesis for pre-defence (EÕM)
  • 13.12 Pre-defence (EÕM)
  • 13.01 Submitting thesis for defence (all programmes)
  • 27.01 Thesis defence

Spring Semester

  • 11.04 Submitting thesis for pre-defence (EÕM)
  • 25.04 Pre-defence (EÕM)
  • 19.05 Submitting thesis for defence (all programmes)
  • 2-3.06 Defence (RT)
  • 4.-5.06 Defence (IRRS)
  • 5.06 Defence (PGDA)
  • 6.06 Defence (EÕM)

Defended thesis and supervisors

Before choosing a topic for your final thesis, it may be good to get acquainted with the theses that have been defended in the past by your fellow students. Find out what has already been researched and set your plans and research focus accordingly. All thesis defended after 2016 are in the University of Tartu repository DSpace page.

The University of Tartu Library and our social sciences library have also all our earlier thesis. Our library is conveniently located in our own house at Lossi 36-316 and is open Mon-Fri 10.00 - 18.00.

If you are looking for a supervisor, please visit our staff page. The supervision competencies are enlisted below all supervisors.

Academic calendar

Timetables according to Study Information System (OIS). Please ensure you have all the compulsory courses in your schedule while registering to courses. You can find your programme compulsory courses on the OIS curricula page.

University of Tartu Library
Opening hours: Mon - Fri 9:00-21:00, Sat-Sun 12:00-18:00
Address: W. Struve 1, Tartu
Contact:, +372 737 5702

Library of Social Sciences
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00
Address: Lossi 36-316, Tartu
Contact:, +372 737 5940

At the Library of Social Sciences, you can find literature from different specialties: journalism and communication, public administration, politology, and political science, sociology, social work, social politics, and psychology. In addition to the libraries above, you are most welcome to use all the University of Tartu subject libraries.

The UT Counselling Centre offers students of all levels of study:

  • career and psychological counselling
  • advice regarding organisation of studies
  • support for students with special needs
  • peer tutor training and support seminars

All the above to ensure that you can take the most of your studies!

Powerpoint presentation files with institute logos (16: 9 format)

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