Topic: cooperation

Creating cooperation with Vietnamese colleagues
Creating cooperation with Vietnamese colleagues from the University of Hue.
23. May 2023 international
New funded project with Moldova
Our institute has recently lunched a new project aimed to build teaching and learning capacities at Moldovan higher education institutions to strengthen local educational competencies necessary to adv
Skytte Institute hosts training programme "Academic Responses to Hybrid Threats"
Training programme "Academic Responses to Hybrid Threats"
05. May 2023 cooperation
2023 INREES Spring School
2023 INREES Spring School took place 7-10 March at the Skytte Institute to discuss "Methodological Choices and Challenges in the Study of Russia, Eurasia and Eastern Europe".
Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies has hosted “Teach-the-Teacher" training programme
In March 2023, the University of Tartu successfully hosted the "Teach-the-Teacher" training program as part of the "Digital Diplomacy: Building the Common Future with Technology" Erasmus+ project.
Educational and international networks aimed at research, teaching, international partnerships, and cooperation between universities and society.
Development Projects
Johan Skytte Institue is a valued partner for large and small-scale projects.
University of Tartu received €30 million to develop a centre of excellence for personalised medicine
Tartu Ülikooli ja Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi eestvedamisel luuakse järgmise kuue aasta jooksul Eestisse rahvusvahelisel tipptasemel personaalmeditsiini teadus- ja arenduskeskus.
06. January 2023 cooperationfor society