2023 INREES Spring School

2023 INREES Spring School
Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituut

Co-organised by the Johan Skytte Institute and the Aleksanteri Institute at the University of Helsinki, the 2023 INREES Spring School took place from 7-10 March at the Skytte Institute to discuss "Methodological Choices and Challenges in the Study of Russia, Eurasia and Eastern Europe".

Four days of lectures, panels, and workshops were led by:

  • Luca Anceschi (University of Glasgow)
  • Ammon Cheskin (University of Glasgow)
  • Svetlana Erpyleva (University of Bremen)
  • Vladimir Gel'man (Aleksanteri Institute)
  • Yulia Gradskova (Södertörn University)
  • Andrey Makarychev (Johan Skytte Institute)
  • Julia Malitska (Södertörn University)

The aim was to address and reflect on the evolving methodological challenges in the social sciences since the pandemic and the Russian invasion in Ukraine, as well as new—biopolitical, decolonial, and relational—approaches to area studies. Participating doctoral candidates joined from the University of Tartu, University of Helsinki, University of Eastern Finland, University of Glasgow, Tampere University, and the University of Warsaw.

Johan Skytte Institute wishes to thank all participants for the four days of lectures and thorough discussions.

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