Popular E-course Is Back! EU Eco-Innovation Policies and Green Electronics 

Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituut

In spring 2023, the University of Tartu offered its first online course about sustainable electronics development. The course covered developments in the field of innovative and eco-sustainable electronic products and was intended for all professionals and enthusiasts in the field. In the 2023 fall semester, the course is back for it's second iteration.

The 6-week online course covers topics that include new EU regulations, product life cycle, eco-design, new bio-plastic materials, and E-waste management. The course is designed to follow the self-paced learning approach. Students can watch the lectures and complete assignments anytime, making it accessible to enthusiasts with different schedules.

The overall aim is to inspire and to provide practical tools that encourage a greener approach in the field of electronics. After all, the new generation of electronic products does not need to be unrecyclable, but can be developed and used more sustainably.

  • The course lasts from 23 October - 4 December, 2023
  • Course participants will receive 1 ECTS and a certificate from the University of Tartu upon completion of the course.
  • If the topic sounds interesting, sign up and meet your future teachers in this short intro video.

Sign up

The course (MOOC - Massive Open Online Course) received positive feedback from the Estonian Electronics Association (Eesti Elektroonikatööstuse Liit) and course participants:

“(I liked that the course was) informative, well-structured, not very fast-paced and thus easy to handle even with a busy work schedule.“

„I liked the fact that tasks and knowledge can be put into practice now. This is not only the replenishment of theoretical knowledge but also new skills, for example, Access2Markets tool. Thanks for this!“

The course was developed together with Wismar University of Applied Sciences (Germany), Centria University of Applied Sciences (Finland), and Riga Technical University (Latvia).

For any questions, feel free to contact course administrator Anastasiia (anastasiia.turusinova@ut.ee).

This course has been produced with the financial support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The contents of the course are the sole responsibility of the TRAIN-ECO partnership and cannot be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission. 2020-1-EE01-KA202-078010

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