Funded project with Moldova

EST4MORE in Moldova
Sasha Pleshco, Unsplash

A new project is underway to strengthen Moldovan higher education by enhancing teaching competencies, boosting students' understanding of European Studies, and providing international exposure and research opportunities for doctoral students. The project builds on previous successful collaboration established between the University of Tartu (UT) and Moldova State University (MSU) through the experience of “Enhancing Moldova's Europeanization through innovative teaching practices” (Best4ME) by expanding the scope of the activities to new areas and reaching wider audiences to ensure sustainability.

The project “Estonia's Best Practices for Enhancement of Moldova's Higher Education Capacities” (EST4MORE) has received funding from the Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV) and will run from June to December 2024. The project – led by our Institute – will involve directly Moldovan universities, lecturers, and stakeholders and will be locally coordinated by Dr. Cristina Ejov and her team from Moldovan State University.

Over the next seven months, EST4MORE will tackle challenges within Moldovan higher education institutions by targeting three key audiences. It aims to equip educators with digital skills, enhance MA students' understanding of European integration and future job market competitiveness, and uplift doctoral students' professional skills through networking opportunities with Estonian researchers, facilitating knowledge transfer and best practices.

In particular, within the framework of EST4MORE, the Johan Skytte Institute, together with our local partners, will

  1. deliver online training for lecturers on enhancing digital competencies and quality assurance in e-learning;
  2. organize online and in-person seminars for MSU students on European Studies and a study trip to EU and Estonian public sector institutions in Tallinn;
  3. organize mobility of MSU teaching staff to present research and observe teaching practices at UT;
  4. deliver a virtual mobility and participation in Doctoral training seminars at UT for MSU doctoral students;
  5. provide mobility support to participate in academic Writing Bootcamp for doctoral students organized by the Institute;
  6. organize a final multiplier event to evaluate the impact and disseminate the final report to stakeholders in Moldova.

According to Dr. Stefano Braghiroli, Associate Professor of European Studies at the University of Tartu and academic coordinator of the project, “EST4MORE is not only the natural continuation of the activities that we have conducted as part of our previous project with MSU over the past year. It is also a multiplier of the previous results and a stepping stone towards even more ambitious goals. It is tangible evidence that we are moving in the right direction.”

According to Ms. Anna Beitane, Manager of Online Learning Projects, “The emphasis on innovative teaching practices and digitalization of higher education is a cornerstone of Moldova’s strategy for 2030. By sharing with our partners UT and Estonia’s experience of digital transformation in education and research, we can play a key role in shaping Moldova’s path towards a brighter future.”

The project is supported by ESTDEV - Estonian Centre for International Development.

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