Topic: cooperation

Career conference „To new hights with a PhD degree!“
On 16 May, the Estonian Doctoral School Career Conference will be held in Tallinn to discuss the value of doctoral studies and the career prospects of doctoral students. All Estonian doctoral students and those interested in doctoral studies are welcome to attend.
Skytte Institute participates in the new Erasmus+ project addressing the issue of social polarisation
Skytte Institute participates in the new Erasmus+ project addressing the issue of social polarisation
Funded project with Moldova
The project “Estonia's Best Practices for Enhancement of Moldova's Higher Education Capacities” (EST4MORE) has received funding from the Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV) and will run from June to December 2024. The project – led by our Institute – will involve directly Moldovan universities, lecturers, and stakeholders and will be locally coordinated by Dr. Cristina Ejov and her team from Moldovan State University.
DIGI-GREEN HACKATHON: Unleashing Digital Expertise for a Sustainable Tomorrow
University of Tartu together with Garage48 invites you to DIGI-GREEN HACKATHON on 10-12 May 2024 in Jõhvi, Ida-Virumaa, Estonia.
University of Tartu experts to advise Ida-Viru municipalities on the action plans of the county’s green plan
The transition of Ida-Viru County to a more sustainable economic model requires changes in the mindset of the local population as well as in the current patterns of the local governments and businesses in the region.
DeFacto Dialogues seminar: “Taiwan Amidst Post-Election Turbulence”
22 February 2024, 14.30 - 16.00 at Lossi 36-305 and Zoom
14. February 2024 cooperation
Careerroute 2024
Participate in a series of seminars aimed at developing your career.
15. February 2024 for studentcooperationstudies
President T. H. Ilves joined the University of Tartu in writing the next chapter in the global digital story
President T. H. Ilves joined the University of Tartu in writing the next chapter in the global digital story
University of Tartu will help develop solutions for tackling energy poverty and renovating Soviet-era buildings in CEE countries
The project will help with the renovation process by identifying the main obstacles and creating trustworthy support services that include homeowners, their associations, and building managers