Skytte Institute conducts teacher training on the implementation of Virtual Exchange in the social science curriculum

Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituut

This training was organized within the framework of the project "Building Virtual Exchange Capacities in the Baltic Sea Region" (EnVision). The project is funded by the Nordplus program and coordinated by the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies at the University of Tartu (UT), in partnership with the University of Helsinki, Uppsala University, and Vilnius University.

The EnVision network brings together social science teaching staff to gain practical training on virtual exchange (VE) implementation and facilitation. It also aimed to foster the sharing of best practices and collaboration in the development of VE teaching materials. The EnVision project addresses the need for social sciences departments to expand international and intercultural opportunities for students, creating competitive, inclusive, and diverse study environments. The project also aims to integrate digital competencies and transferrable skills, such as intercultural communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork, into course curricula to enhance graduate employability.

A total of eleven teaching staff members from partner universities participated in an intensive two-day training program in Tartu, led by instructors Dr. Ana Beaven (University of Bologna) and Anna Beitane (Manager of Online and Continuing Education Projects, J. Skytte Institute of Political Studies). The program introduced lecturers to VE terminology, didactics, tips, and presented case studies of effective implementation of virtual exchange programs. Interactive workshops and discussion sessions were also included in the program, allowing participants to get to know each other and the courses they teach. Working groups were created as part of the program, with pairs of teaching staff designing VE scenarios for their courses. Seminar trainers also held individual consultations with each group to discuss their initial ideas.

According to Anna Beitane, "After the successful completion of the training in Tartu, teaching staff of the EnVision network will work in pairs on their virtual exchange scenarios. We are going to meet for a final event in Vilnius, where lecturers will be able to present their final cases and receive feedback from the expert community. In addition to training teaching staff, the EnVision network aims to develop a VE Toolkit, which will serve as a future key reference point for partner universities looking to implement virtual exchange in their curriculum. The toolkit will include guidelines, tips for implementation, a glossary of VE terminology in partners' national languages, and templates for VE scenarios to be integrated into courses and curricula at partner universities."

More information could be found on the website of the project. For additional questions, please contact Anna Beitane at

This training is part of the Nordplus-funded project "Building Virtual Exchange Capacities in the Baltic Sea Region (NPHE-2023/10034)."

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