Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituut

Skytte delegation presented the main results of Best4ME project at Moldova State University

Between May 16-17, a delegation of Skytte staff members participated in the final event of the Best4ME project, where the main results and outcome of the project were presented and evaluated. 

The final event of “Enhancing Moldova’s Europeanization Through Innovative Teaching Practices” (Best4ME) project has been organized between May 16-17 at Moldova State University. Best4ME project is funded by the Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV) and coordinated by the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies at the University of Tartu (UT), in partnership with Moldova State University (MSU). The project activities run from June 2023 and will finish by the end of May 2024.  The main aim of the project is to build teaching competencies and expand the portfolio of innovative learning experiences at Moldovan HEIs to strengthen educational capacity and apply innovative teaching methods in European Studies by university teaching staff; and to enhance students’ knowledge and interest in European Studies to motivate them to specialise and gain knowledge and skills to prepare them for future EU-related careers or in public sector job furthering Moldova’s Europeanisation process.

The final program of the event consisted of detailed overview of the project activities and deliverables developed as part of the project. Anna Beitane provided a summary of the feedback collected as part of the teacher training on innovative methods, online webinars for master students and mobility week in Tartu designed for MSU students and teaching staff. Her presentation was followed by a public defense of the final dissertations of master students on European studies related topic, who received the scholarship from the project. The first day was concluded with the meeting of Skytte staff members with the first-year master students in European studies program at Moldova State University. 

The second day of the program was opened with the academic symposium on the future of the Eastern Partnership in times of geo-political challenges, with the speakers from both University of Tartu (Dr. Stefano Braghiroli and Prof. Eiki Berg) and Moldova State University (Prof. Valentina Teosa; and Dr. Cristina Ejov) shared their perspectives on the future of European enlargement. The event was followed by a concluding presentation and introduction of the newly funded project “Estonia's best practices for enhancement of Moldova's higher education capacities (EST4MORE)”.  The detailed program could be access here.

According to the coordinator of the project, Associate Professor of European Studies, Dr. Stefano Braghiroli “as we celebrate – together with our local partners – the successful conclusion of the activities of Best4ME, we can say that the results achieved will have a lasting positive impact on the quality of teaching and organization of studies of Moldovan academia. They represent a set of concrete steps towards the full integration of Moldova in the European Higher Education Area.”

One of the main deliverables of the project is the development of a co-authored report outlining recommendations for enhancing education in the field of European Studies in Moldova, including digitalization possibilities and integration of innovative teaching practices in curriculum. 

In the words of Anna Beitane, Manager of Online Learning Project, “as we listen to MSU students presenting their work and as we discuss with our Moldovan colleagues about the improvements in their courses we have the tangible evidence that Best4ME is not only a great example of successful bilateral cooperation, but also a meaningful way to bring Estonian and Moldovan higher education closer to each other, through commitment and dedication ” 

The report (in English) can be accessed here

The project is supported by ESTDEV - Estonian Center for International Development Cooperation, project agreement - nr 4-1/125-2023. 

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