Conference: "Contested heritage in the 21st century: Eastern Europe and beyond"

Ukraine wall

On 20-21 October, 2022, there will be an online conference "Contested heritage in the 21st century: Eastern Europe and beyond". As part of an ongoing project within CELSA consortium, it focuses on the securitization of heritage in Ukraine, Estonia and Czech Republic — and how the EU and UN can be actors in these cases, as Russia uses sharp power in Ukraine to enforce its own memory politics onto the aforementioned parties.

Prof. Andrey Makarychev and Dr. Aleksandra Yatsyk from the Skytte Institute will be appearing on the conference.

The CELSA project, which the conference is part of, is entitled "Contested Heritage. A multilevel analysis of the securitization of heritage and its challenges for EU and UN actorness (COHERE)"

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