U.S. Elections in Supilinn!

USA valimiste vestlusõhtu
Anastasia Kotšura

The results of the U.S. presidential election will soon be revealed. Before they are announced, the Political Science Society is organizing a discussion evening where you can hear expert evaluations and opinions.

Where? Mülä Bar
When? November 4th, 6:00–8:00 PM

Reporting live from the U.S. will be Ambassador Kristjan Prikk. On-site participants include David Ilmar Lepasaar Beecher, a lecturer from the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies; Louis Wierenga, a lecturer at the Baltic Defence College and Skytte analyst; and Hanah Lahe, a member of Riigikogu and the Estonia-U.S. Parliamentary Group.

All political science enthusiasts and other interested parties are welcome! Note: The ambassador's introduction will be in Estonian, but the rest of the event will be in English.

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