
Russia's Wars: Power and Agency in Times of Crises and Exceptions

Ghent-Tartu Research Workshop
Hosted by Johan Skytte Institute for Political Science, the University of Tartu

Programme developed by Andrey Makarychev, Professor of Regional Political Studies





14:00 – 15:45 Parallel sessions 1

Panel 1.1 Russia’s War Against Ukraine: Conceptual Departures  / Lossi 36, room 205
Chair and moderator: Steven Blockmans (ICDS, Tallinn and CEPS, Brussels) 

  • Yulia Kurnyshova (University of Bremen): Violence and Post-colonial Necropolitics: Russia’s War and European Insecurities
  • Aliaksei Kazharski (Comenius University Bratislava): The Realist Illusion About Russia and Ukraine. The origins of the Russo-Ukrainian war
  • Dumitru Minzarari (Baltic Defense College): Understanding emerging technologies of conflict: A different look at Russia's hybrid war in Ukraine

Panel 1.2 Russia’s Invasion in Ukraine: Central and Eastern Asian Reverberations / Lossi 36, room 206
Chair and moderator: Izzet Yalin Youksel (University of Tartu)

  • Sanshiro Hosaka (University of Tartu): Ukraine's agency in Japanese academia and media before and after February 24
  • Bruno de Cordier (Ghent University):  “Is some sort of ‘Donbas separatism’ thinkable in Kazakhstan?”
  • Karolina Kluczewska (Ghent University): Redefining post-Sovietness: How the war in Ukraine reshapes Tajikistan’s relations with Russia 

16:15 - 18:00 Parallel sessions 2

Panel 2.1 Post-imperial Hybridities: a Cultural Outlook / Lossi 36, room 205
Chair and moderator: Azniv Tadevosyan (University of Tartu)

  • Anastasia Spirenkova (School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Paris): Discursive Strategies of Art Activism after the End of Russian Hybrid Regime
  • Laura Luciani (Ghent University): Geopolitics of gender and sexuality in the EU-Russia neighborhood: conceptualizing activist struggles and resistance in Georgia and Armenia
  • Olesya Tkacheva and Sopo Tarimanishvili (Brussels School of Governance, VUB). Russia’s Religious Diplomacy on Twitter in the EU’s Eastern Neighborhood: Insights from Computational Text Analysis of Russian Embassies Twitter Feeds

Panel 2.2 Russia’s War Against Ukraine:  Agency and Communication / Lossi 36, room 206
Chair and moderator: Karolina Kluczewska (Ghent University)

  • Kostiantyn Yanchenko (University of Hamburg): Reconsidering communication studies in Ukraine after Russia's full-scale invasion: Novel priorities, research questions, and collaborative directions.
  • Anselm Schmidt (University of Tartu): Ukrainian Struggle(s) for Agency: How Studying the Marginalized Can Help Understand the War in Ukraine"
  • Natalia Kovyliaeva (University of Tartu): "If He Beats You, Means He Loves You": A Gendered Perspective on Understanding Russia's War in Ukraine


10:00 – 11:45 Parallel sessions 3

Panel 3.1 New Insecurities / Jakobi 5, room 116
Chair and moderator: Bruno De Cordier (Ghent University)

  • Caroline Dufy (University of Bordeaux): War and Global Trade. A view from the Russian Wheat Sector.
  • Andrey Makarychev (University of Tartu) and Vladimir Sazonov (Estonian Military Academy): Money Laundering and Hybrid Threats: the Case of Estonia
  • Berk Vindevogel (Ghent University): Russia's China - enigma in the Arctic
  • David Zdrojewski (INaLCO, Paris): The Bear perceived by the Eagle: Images of Russian power in Poland    

Panel 3.2 Russia’s Hegemonic Regionalism in the “Unshared” Neighborhood / Jakobi 5, rooms 218
Chair and moderator: Heidi Erbsen (University of Tartu)

  • Daniel Bach (University of Bordeaux): Old grammars as stepping stones towards a new world of regions/regionalisms: the war in Ukraine as a litmus test.
  • Jeremy Smith (University of Eastern Finland): Russia and regional hegemony from 1991 to the present
  • Isabell Burmester (University of Geneva): EU and Russian hegemony in the ‘shared neighborhood’: Between coercion, prescription, and co-optation
  • Louise Amoris (Ghent University), Fabienne Bossuyt (Ghent University), and Katsiaryna Lozka (Ghent University): How is Russia depicted in Western IR scholarship? Three different images of Russia’s involvement in its neighborhood.


13:30 – 15:15 Parallel sessions 4

Panel 4.1 The Multifaceted World of COVID-19: the Biopolitics of Medical Emergency  / Jakobi 5, room 218
Chair and moderator: George Spencer Terry (University of Tartu and Baltic Defense College)

  • Stefano Braghiroli and Andrey Makarychev (University of Tartu): Vaccine Hesitancy in Countries of ‘New Europe”: In Search of Explanations, Correlations and Trends
  • Maria Papageorgiou and Alena Viera (University of Minho): Russia´s power between the lines: Russian Twitter discourse amidst the coronavirus crisis
  • Luca Anceschi (University of Glasgow): Shoot the messenger. Communicating the Covid crisis in Central Asia

Panel 4.2 Russia’s War Against Ukraine: New Research Vistas / Jakobi 5, room 116
Chair and moderator: Michael Cole (University of Tartu)

  • Marianna Gladysh (Ivan Franko National University, Lviv) Ensuring the rights of Ukrainian refugees in Europe at war time
  • Alina Cherviatsova (Ghent University): Historical Narratives in Russia’s war against Ukraine: ‘Russian historical lands’
  • Sebastiaan van Severen (Ghent University): The danger of conceptual blurring between jus ad bellum and jus in bello during Russia’s war against Ukraine

The event has been partly funded by the ENLIGHT Network and through „I AM @ Media Project“ financed by the  Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affair Development Cooperation programme.

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