Mart Alaru

Exhibition "Moods of Tartu"

Anastasiia Turusinova's exhibition "Moods of Tartu" in Lossi 36, III floor.

"I have been living in Tartu for six years, and even after all this time, I cannot stop taking pictures of this city. We have been through many things together: suffering heartbreaks, making and losing friends, falling in love, and fighting seasonal depression. Regardless of what is happening in my life, I feel like Tartu always has my back.

This city has many faces that make it easy to find comfort in. I tried to capture the ever-changing city through my lens and now invite you to join me on the journey of rediscovering Tartu.

All the photos are film photography taken on different analogue cameras in my collection. There is no Photoshop or colour correction in the pictures, only the true colours reflecting the natural beauty of Tartu."

Anastasiia Turusinova, alumna and staff member of Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies

Mihkel Solvak

Mihkel Solvak: "You will leave this ceremony today as full Tartu University alumni"

Carl Frederick Liles

Carl Frederick Liles: "Our first taste of leib, playing Werewolves, and a healthy dose of sauna"