"Make Europe Bloom" at Hansa School in Tartu

Make Europe Bloom - opening of the mural.jpg

Make Europe Bloom’s aim is to contribute setting up a new European Bauhaus by mirroring citizens’ feelings and ideas about Europe through art! The local event has been coordinated and organized by the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies in cooperation with the Union of European Federalists and it has received the support of the European Parliament.

In the light of Tartuvians' ideas and input a mural was realized reflecting Tartu people's view of the Future of Europe! More than 80 responses were received from city’s residents. Local artist Anastasiia Lemberg-Lvova turned ideas into reality in cooperation with Tartu-based start-up Robot Muralist.

The event culminated, on 28.05, with the inauguration of a mural at the school's façade by Tartu's Mayor Urmas Klaas. Many members of our institute contributed to the events: our director Kristiina Tõnnisson shared her opening words on behalf of the institute and moderated a roundtable discussion on “The Future of Europe – Views from Estonia and Tartu”, while Mike Cole and Sami Siva discussed the power of images in politics. Other speakers included artist Anastasiia Lemberg-Lvova, MEP Marina Kaljurand, and politicians Kristina Kallas and Gea Kangilaski. The event was locally managed by Stefano Braghiroli and Anna Beitane on behalf of the Skytte Institute.

According to the two organizers: “the actual meaning of “Making Europe Bloom” as much as “Making Estonia or Tartu bloom” is very much up to us to define. For some, it might mean more equality, for others - more attention to environment, or economic success. Regardless of what it means for each and one of us, what matters is that European cooperation both as a political project and as an idea can support the local communities to further develop in the way and in the direction that they see fit.

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