E-Governance and Digital Public Services

Research and applied research in E-governance and digital public services focus on three core domains. First on digital participation in general and remote Internet voting in particular, including how this voting technology diffuses, who is more likely to use it and how and what exactly affects trust in this technology. Second, pro-active and life-event services design and personalisation of such services through using machine learning methods on integrated datasets. This includes using process generated data to estimate service impact and the automation of said assessments for service owners. Third, what administrative and technical barriers need to be overcome to build cross-border digital services and how to design the impact assessment of such services.

Heads of the research field: Mihkel Solvak, Vincent Homburg

Affiliated staff: Andres Võrk, Taavi Unt, Peeter Leets, Stefan Dedovic, Bogdan Romanov, Art Alishani, Logan Carmichael, Biao He, Piret Ehin

Affiliated research groups

ECePS ERA Chair of e-governance and digital public services
Center of IT Impact Studies

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