Political science doctoral specialty admission information session

Disputatio Politica Prima PhD

Dear PhD applicants!

The University of Tartu opens the 2023 admission for the political science doctoral specialty.

On April 17, 2023 at 14:30-15:30 (UTC+3/EEST) we will have an information session for doctoral studies in political science. You can participate in the information session both on site, at Lossi 36-323, and online. In the information session, we will talk about the following:

  • Doctoral studies in political science at the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies
  • How to apply, and which documents to submit?
  • How to write a good PhD research proposal?

We ask those interested to register by April 13 at the latest on this link. We will send a Zoom link to registered participants on April 14.

Additional information: Kristel Vits, kristel.vits@ut.ee

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