Tartu Ülikool

Keynote Address by Toomas Hendrik Ilves to the Zbigniew Brzeziński Memorial Lecture Series

On Monday, 22 January, our visiting professor, the Former President Toomas Hendrik Ilves gives a keynote address to the eminent Zbigniew Brzeziński Memorial Lecture Series in Warsaw. The formal announcement of the lecture can be found on College of Europe's page, where it states:

"The Zbigniew Brzeziński Memorial Lecture Series, organized by the College of Europe in Natolin (Warsaw, Poland), is a series of high-level lectures on international security topics in memory of Professor Zbigniew Brzeziński.

The main goal of the series is to highlight Brzeziński’s political and diplomatic legacy, with particular emphasis on his focus on the importance of ethics, values, and human rights within foreign policy, as joint values have always had the potential to strengthen the transatlantic alliance.

Brzeziński never forgot about those trapped behind the Iron Curtain or left behind walls of authoritarianism and poverty. The Zbigniew Brzeziński Memorial Lecture Series will honour this legacy and look for ways in which we can support those who do not yet enjoy the prosperity and liberty that members of the transatlantic alliance can frequently take for granted."

The lecture series was inaugurated by the former US Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright in 2019. Now, as the legacy of Brzeziński is as pertinent as ever, it is time for the Former President of Estonia, Toomas Hendrik Ilves to speak.

In celebration of Toomas Hendrik Ilves's 70th Anniversary, Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies is organizing a conference with him (in Estonian). For more information, click here.

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