Exhibition "Forest Art School"

The exhibition "Forest Art School" brings together forest-themed work from the students of Tartu Children's Art School. The aim of the exhibition is to withdraw from the heated discussion on forests and to open the younger generation's sense of the forest and to show whether and how the younger generation relates to the forest.

Estonian forest and it's management is currently a hot topic and considered a big issue in Estonian society. The exhibition "Forest Art School" falls back from this dialogue and focuses rather on subjective experience and cognition. The art of children and youngsters is a direct way to show how they see the forest.

Painting, drawing and sketching in nature is often more instructive than making art indoors. Therefore a quote from the philosopher Freeman Tilden comes to mind: Interpreting nature is "An educational activity which aims to reveal meanings and relationships through the use of original objects, by firsthand experience, and by illustrative media, rather than simply to communicate factual information."

What has forest taught you?

Additional information: Helena Aadli, Tartu Children's Art School Gallerist, helena.aadli@gmail.com

The exhibition is temporarily closed due to the corona restrictions.

Evelyn Pihla

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