Anna-Lisa Aavik: "We studied and worked together with the most amazing people from all across the world, and we now have many lifelong friends, and many couches to sleep on in every corner of the globe."

Anna Lisa Aavik
Andres Tennus

First and foremost, I’d like to congratulate all the Master's students graduating today on getting through the easiest part of our lives. Everything that comes after this is all blood, sweat, and tears... and hopefully some great success!

When we first started our MA journey, I don’t think any of us could have imagined that most of it would be done online due to a global pandemic and that we would be writing and defending our MA thesis while people not far from here are fighting and dying for their independence… Our independence. But despite all the hardships, we made it. We are here today, wearing suits and dresses and getting our MA degrees. So congratulations to us all!

I know that our time at Skytte was very short, and most of us only got to know each other through our computer screens. Nevertheless, we still got to study and work together with some of the most amazing people from across the world, and we now have so many lifelong friends and, thankfully, many couches to sleep on in every corner of the world.

We want to thank all the professors, teachers, and supporting staff at Skytte who worked so hard to teach us these past two years, primarily online. I know first-hand that it was difficult for both teachers and students, but you all did an excellent job. Your commitment and efforts during this time did not go unnoticed. We had teachers doing Zoom seminars while being on the other side of the globe. We had MA thesis consultation while teachers had covid. And all goes to show that our teachers at Skytte truly care for their students and the topics they teach. Thank you for everything that you’ve done for us! And I truly hope that one day, students will find the courage to open their cameras during Zoom meetings.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to my family, my friends, and my significant other for being the best support system throughout the years. I think I speak on behalf of all the MA students here when I say that having the support from our loved ones was the key to our successful graduation. Because even when times were hard, we knew that somewhere out there was our biggest supporter and cheerleader. So thank you!

As for the concluding remarks, I would like to say that our time at Skytte has been so wonderful and wherever we will end up, we’re proud to call ourselves graduates of the Skytte institute and alumni of the University of Tartu.

Olge mõnusad. Thank you!

Anna-Lisa Aavik, Graduate of the International Relations and Regional Studies Curriculum.

Speech Behalf of the Master’s Degree Graduates on Skytte Graduation Ceremony 15 June 2022

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