Research Colloquium

The Research Colloquium provides a forum for faculty members and PhD students to present and discuss their current research. The aim of the colloquium is not a presentation of finished work, but rather work in progress that would benefit from the criticism and commentary of colleagues. The format includes a 15-20 minute presentation on a precirculated draft of recent research (usually an article or chapter), a 10-15 minute comment by a discussant, followed by 40-45 minutes of open discussion with all those present. Please note that this semester (unless otherwise indicated) the Research Colloquium will start promptly at 16:00 and end at 17:15 in Lossi 36-305. We are starting the colloquium a bit earlier and ending a bit earlier as well in hopes that colleagues with families and other evening commitments will find it easier to attend.

Colloquia for the 2024/2025 Academic Year

Spring semester

  • 12 March: Ville Taapanen, "Same Plant, Different Soils: Variation in Party Environmentalism"
  • 26 March: Kimmo Makkonen, "The electoral pledges of the Finnish parliamentary parties in 2011, 2015 and 2019 campaigns: their fulfilment and inclusion in the coalition agreements"
  • 9 April: Oleksii Kolesnykov, "Crisis, Resilience, and Governance: Crafting a Model for Wartime Democracy" (working title)
  • 16 April: Vanessa Ruget, "Russia’s renationalization and weaponization of citizenship: A study of the 2023 citizenship law"
  • 23 April: Azniv Tadevosyan, "Politics of Aesthetics and Resistance Studies"
  • 7 May: Akbar Mammadov, "The Impact of the War on Far-Right Parties in the Baltic Sea Region"
  • TBD May: We will save the rest of May for our 1st Year Doctoral Students' Dissertation Prospectus presentations. The exact dates and times for these will be coordinated in consultation with Kristel Vits and Piret Ehin, though they can be expected to take place on Wednesday afternoons.

Autumn Semester

  • 18 September: Rein Taagepera (and Miroslav Nemčok), book presentation and discussion: More People, Fewer States
  • 2 October: Christopher Brucker (visiting scholar from Jena), "Advocating for Rebellion - Rebel Diplomacy and International Advocacy in the Bougainville Crisis."
  • 16 October: Urmas Hõbepappel, “Cynics don’t build empires: towards countering the rationality argument in the literature of Chinese nationalism.
  • 30 October: Leonore Riitsalu, “Development and Testing of a Three-Dimensional Financial Well-Being Scale”
  • 13 November: Maria Grigoryeva (visiting scholar from Helsinki in Finno-Ugric Studies), "Russian-Finnish film co-production as a reflection of the Russian-Finnish relations"
  • 27 November: Elena Pavlova, "A New Method for New Situation: Gadamer's legacy for Russian Studies"
  • 11 December: Art Alishani, “To Use or Not to Use Government Chatbots: A Survey Vignette Experiment in Estonia.
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